Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Bookshelf

These are things on my bookshelf from left to right:

-“Spectacular Ireland” (a photography book of the Emerald Isle)
-“Gardner’s Art through the Ages” Twelfth Edition
-“The Yale Shakespeare, The Complete Works” (this book, when combined with the above title, equals my entire body weight)
-“Two Thousand and Two Cambridge Middle School Yearbook” I don’t know why I still have this.
-“The American Heritage College Dictionary”
-“The Elements of Style”
-“A Short Guide to Writing about Art”
-“Ways of Seeing”
-“Ascent of Mount Carmel”
-“The Song of the Bride”
-“The Passion of the Christ”
-“Holy Bible” NIV This was the Bible I used for most of my life. The one I use know is an ESV that I keep in my purse.
-“Bridal Intersession”
-“Deep Unto Deep”
-“Generation Esther”
-“Endurance, Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage”
-“The Hidden Power of a Surrendered Life”
-“The Warrior’s Heart”
-“Come to Papa”
-“Dealing with the Rejection and Praise of Man” I got this one for free because it is missing a few pages. I love the defective bin at the bookstore.
-“The Unabridged Mark Twain” I barrowed this one from my aunt when I was sixteen…I don’t really plan on returning it.
-“Revolution in World Missions”
-“Experiencing the Depths if Jesus Christ” This copy was given to me as a graduation present from a dear friend, Natasha Lee
-“All Quiet on the Western Front” A must for all who are mature enough, and more specifically a gift from my AP European History teacher for writing such a kick butt essay on it.
-“The Knowledge of the Holy”
-“The Picture of Dorian Gray” A birthday present from another dear friend, Kristen Anderson
-“Pride and Prejudice” Yet another gift, from Matthias Bryson in celebration of my entering art school
-“Experiencing the Depth of Jesus Christ” I had bought this copy before my friend gave me the other one.
-“Do You Think I’m Beautiful?” Another defective bin special.
-“Tell No One”
-An old spiral bound journal
-“The Life of St. Teresa of Avila by Herself”
-A book end made of petrified wood

Now, how many of these titles do you think I have read, partially read, and not read at all?


well,blue productions said...

My guess is that you have only partially read Elements of Style because if you had read it all the way through these titles would all be underlined instead of in literarily incorrect quotation marks.

Katherine said...

I tried to underline them, blogger won't let that happen...jerk

well,blue productions said...

I love you, next time don't do either. You can also put them in italics which just so happens to be a blogger capability and also literarily correct.

Katherine said...

I tried italics, and no it is not a blogger capability...jerk...I love you too.