Thursday, May 3, 2007

Let's Try Something New

One thing about blogging that I don't enjoy is how one-sided it tends to be. True, there is a comment section for all of you to place your two cents in, but it is not frequented as much as I would like it to be. So, here's what we're going to do differently this time. I am going to give you all a question which is both descriptive of actual autobiographical events and requires you to answer in a way that lets me know a little something more about you. This way, we both win.

Here it is: Have you ever found it difficult to get your pants on because your body was covered in vaseline and plaster chunks?

1 comment:

Amy said...

No, but I had a friend in college who stole the saran wrap that another friend brought for her elementary education project and wrapped herself up in it and went around campus all day like that. The Elementary Ed. major was not impressed.